2013 RIT Volleyball Girls Position (Setter, Hitter, Libero) Resident Camp Volleyball Camp |
Dates: 7/12/2013 - 7/14/2013 |
This camp is for Girls entering grades 4th-12th. |
This is a Residence camp. |
The 2013 RIT Volleyball Girls Position (Setter, Hitter, Libero) Resident Camp Volleyball Camp is held at RIT Clark Gym. |
The camp runs from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM. |
The cost is $290 per Player. |
For more information . . . |
Contact Name: Jim Lodes |
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 585-475-5295 | Camp Webpage: 2013 RIT Volleyball Girls Position (Setter, Hitter, Libero) Resident Camp Volleyball Camp |
Other Information: This camp is designed for the player interested in specialized skill training. Each camp is geared for the beginning, intermediate and advanced level player looking to focus on a specialized position. Players from ages 10 to 18 interested in three days of drills and training will benefit from this experience. This camp is a three day (7 sessions) training camp. The fee includes tuition, housing (two nights), all meals and a camp T-shirt. Positions include:
SETTER CAMP which concentrates on setting skill techniques with training repetitions in footwork, attack skills, and various set types.
HITTER CAMP which will focus on a variety of attack skills from the outside hitter, middle hitter and right side attackers. Quick attacks, as well as play-sets, for the hitter will also be emphasized. Footwork, arm swing, and blocking skills will also be of primary focus. Please identify your position on application (OH, MH, RSH).
LIBERO CAMP which concentrates on all passing and defensive skill techniques with training repetitions in footwork, ball control, as well as, extend and recover.