Bump, Set, Spike Volleyball Camp Volleyball Camp |
Dates: 7/15/2013 - 7/19/2013 |
This camp is for Girls entering grades 3-9. |
This is a Commuter (Day) camp. |
The Bump, Set, Spike Volleyball Camp Volleyball Camp is held at Allendale Columbia. |
The camp runs from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. |
The cost is $140 per Player. |
For more information . . . |
Contact Name: Amy Colosimo |
Email: [email protected] |
Phone: 442-1770 |
Camp Webpage: Bump, Set, Spike Volleyball Camp Volleyball Camp |
Other Information: Bump, set, and spike the way through the week!
This camp is open to girls interested in
improving their current volleyball skills or learning
how to play volleyball. The camp will teach skills,
techniques, strategy, and teamwork through the through the use of fun-filled exercises, drills, and games. Each camper will receive individual instruction from Amy Colosimo, HAC�s Varsity Volleyball Head Coach, and her staff. Snacks are provided and each camper will receive a t-shirt. |