This is my first post on this site, although I have followed it for quite some time. I guess the fact people are talking about our program is a mixed bag, good since we must be doing something right, and bad-since it puts us under the microscope. However, I felt like it was time to add my two cents about a few topics.
First, I agree with most of the posts here, Etan Bennett is one of the very best players in Section V. As his coach, I know he is one of the most talented players I have ever coached, and being biased, I think he should get player of the year recognition for what he has done for our team, and what he has done as a player. More importantly to me, he is a better human being. He is one of the hardest working and great individuals I have had the pleasure of coaching. I wish him the best in the future, and as a program, there is no way to replace an Etan Bennett.
I enjoy seeing other peoples points of view on volleyball in the county. Some I agree with, and some I do not, but they always seem to spark some good threads of conversation. However, there is always a fine line that is walked on this site, and that is how to discuss volleyball in the area in a positive light and at the same time not discuss individuals. In my eyes, when discussing individual players its always a tough call. While there is no firm answer, please keep in mind that these are 15-18 year old students who elected to play high school sports. They are not playing professionally and have not voluntarily signed up to be criticized and scrutinized. Many atheletes around the county bust their tails, work their hardest and should not be subject to evaluations of their games. It is true that it is a fact that some athletes are more talented than others, and that fact cannot be changed. Just be mindful that many athletes have to read these posts, and they should not have to be subject to negative comments about themselves.
That being said, our TEAM has 12 individuals on it. Every athlete has given everything they have had to our team goals. Each athlete has played a role and contributed to our success. Anudeep Batchu was singled out in an older post. Anudeep is an incredible student athlete. Anudeep plays his heart out, and gives everything he has everyday and loves the game of volleyball. I can say the same thing about every student on our team. We may not be the tallest, or most talented, or have the most club players on our team, but they come to work every day because everyone loves the game of volleyball.
We do not have many club players for many reasons, some do not want to pay the costs, some play other sports that get in the way, and some do other school activities that precludes them from playing club. That does not mean the kids who play scholastically do not love the game of volleyball. Obviously I am biased, but I will stand up for my kids every day of the week.
Some of the other posts are incorrect. I have had 3 sophmores on varsity since the start of the year. My outside, and setter have started all season, and both made all-county, and my third plays as a defensive specialist every game. I pulled two more sophmores up for sectionals. Also, I have 4 students who have played club, Etan played Pace. Mikey Asselin played a year of pace and Cory and Anudeep played Victor club. The JV team has a few freshman who played pace in middle school.
As a team, we will lose a lot when Etan graduates, as well as my other 5 seniors. I recognize that. It always tough to lose so many quality seniors and leaders. We will continue to work hard, to get more athletes into the program and compete to the best of our ability.
I am overly proud of what my kids have accomplished, and continue to be proud of the work that my kids do every day. I always say that I am blessed to coach where I coach because I have good volleyball players, but great kids.
Hope to see more great posts on this site and that it generates more interst in volleyball in the area! Good luck to everyone still playing, and I look forward to some great volleyball in the fall.
Brad Rosenbaum
Brighton Varsity Coach